Augustus Willburn Kerby

Author: Brandon Kerby /

*Augustus Willburn Kerby known as (Wib or Web) born, 1849. died, 1885(?), with pneumonia. Married, 1-12-1874, Barbara Louise Keys, called by family and friends (Lou), born, 1849, died, 1918. They had four children:

William Dolfus, born, 11-15-1874, died, 1943. (?)
Johnathon Dewitt Talmadge, born, 2-9-1879 died, 8-14-1960,

Georgia, born, 1883, died, 1936. (?)
Marie, born and died in southern Georgia (dates unknown),

possibly in Clinch County, where Augustus had gone to obtain work. He didn't care for the area and soon moved back to Young Harris. Marie could have been born between Dewitt and Georgia because Cora Lee Garland, William Sutser's oldest daughter told me, Barbara Lou spoiled her daughter, Georgia, rotten or as she but it, "She petted that girl to death." And having lost a daughter, perhaps this is why. (pure speculation.)


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